Added: 2024-06-11 - Last updated: 2024-06-23IconImage of item bargeUpgrade3 for general information in codex.

Upgrades the ship level from 2 to 3.

Name: Barge Upgrade

Tier: 3

Id: bargeUpgrade3

Type: Ship Upgrade

Basic Stats
No stats maintained.
Damage Stats
No damage stats maintained.

Increases Hull Health to 46000.

Increases Brace Strength to 9200.

Replaces 'Bow Upgrade' with 'Big Guns' perk.

Big Guns
Able to equip Front Weapons and Auxiliary Weapons. Increases damage and repair amount by 50% on broadside weapons.
Image of material piecesOfEight in codex for item bargeUpgrade3.Pieces of Eight4000
Image of material precisionDrillingBit in codex for item bargeUpgrade3.Precision Drilling Bit15
Image of material orcasMechanism in codex for item bargeUpgrade3.Orcas' Mechanism10
Image of material upgradeParts in codex for item bargeUpgrade3.Upgrade Parts2