Added: 2024-06-01 - Last updated: 2024-07-06IconImage of item littleGrace2 for general information in codex.

Launches Repair Buoys using a complex system of spring and gears.

When deployed, Repair Buoys restore the integrity of damaged hulls and masts.

Name: Little Grace

Tier: 2

Id: littleGrace2

Type: Springloader

Gear Score: 43

Rarity: Rare

Season: 2 - Chorus of Havoc

Required Ship Size: Medium

Blueprint Location:

Outpost Three Brothers

Basic Stats
Damage Stats
Projectiles per Shot1
RPS (Repair per Second)490
RPS with Perks490
Repair per Shot9800
Repair per Shot with Perks9800
Reload Speed (s)20
Range (m)400
Projectile Speed (m/s)200
Repair II
Greater restoration of Hull Health of a friendly ship.
Image of material silver in codex for item littleGrace2.Silver3090
Image of material greenheartPlank in codex for item littleGrace2.Greenheart Plank16
Image of material cogwheel in codex for item littleGrace2.Cogwheel4
Image of material woodTar in codex for item littleGrace2.Wood Tar4
Image of material sheetGlass in codex for item littleGrace2.Sheet Glass4
Image of material torsionSpring in codex for item littleGrace2.Torsion Spring2
Raw Materials
Image of raw material [object Module] in codex for item littleGrace2.
