Added: 2024-03-23 - Last updated: 2024-07-05IconImage of item mchuziWaKuharibu for general information in codex.

The meat of Kuharibu, carefully wrapped in a blend of tomatoes and spies, and then baked in sweet coconut milk with local roots.

Name: Mchuzi wa Kuharibu

Id: mchuziWaKuharibu

Type: Consumable

Rarity: Uncommon

Basic Stats
Damage Stats
No damage stats maintained.
Buff Duration30m

Restores Brace Mitigation by 30%.

Reduces Brace Stamina Consumption at the start of bracing by 20%.

Restores Stamina Regen by 50%.

Image of material coconut in codex for item mchuziWaKuharibu.Coconut5
Image of material rawVegetables in codex for item mchuziWaKuharibu.Raw Vegetables2
Image of material tylosaurusFlesh in codex for item mchuziWaKuharibu.Tylosaurus Flesh1