Basic Stats
Weight | 1000 |
Damage Stats
Projectiles per Shot | 1 |
DPS (Damage per Second) | 585 |
DPS with Perks | 672.75 |
Damage per Shot | 11700 |
Damage per Shot with Perks | 13455 |
Reload Speed (s) | 20 |
Range (m) | 600 |
Projectile Speed (m/s) | 1 |
Blast Radius (m) | 50 |
Blast Adds 15% of damage as Explosive Damage in a 50m Blast Radius. |
Silver | 4290 | ||||||||
Magnetite Ingot | 8 | ||||||||
Cogwheel | 6 | ||||||||
Wood Tar | 6 | ||||||||
Torsion Spring | 2 | ||||||||
Wyrm's Breath | 1 |
Raw Materials
Magnetite | 24 | ||||||||
Mopane Plank | 60 | ||||||||
Cobalt Ingot | 60 | ||||||||
Fine Hemp | 60 | ||||||||
Planetary Gearset | 6 | ||||||||
Wood Pitch | 10 |
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