A Rebellious Note
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
Your true face is in the chaos you unleash
Name: A Rebellious Note
Id: aRebelliousNote
Type: Headwear
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Obtainable Locations:
Brimstone Gaze
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
They glimmer with fire, borne of defiance
Name: Brimstone Gaze
Id: brimstoneGaze
Type: Eye Color
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Effect: Emissive
Obtainable Locations:
Chained Assault
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
Their weight is a burden, but an inspiration as well
Name: Chained Assault
Id: chainedAssault
Type: Footwear
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Obtainable Locations:
Death-tuned Bracers
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
Many a song was written in blood
Name: Death-tuned Bracers
Id: deathTunedBracers
Type: Forearm
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Obtainable Locations:
Devil's Beat
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
A strange power flows through you, inciting you to rise
Name: Devil's Beat
Id: devilsBeat
Type: Waist
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Obtainable Locations:
Discordant Streak
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
Turn your darker nature into truth and melody
Name: Discordant Streak
Id: discordantStreak
Type: Body Cosmetics
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Obtainable Locations:
Iron and Chords
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
You would stand out on any stage
Name: Iron and Chords
Id: ironAndChords
Type: Bottom
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Obtainable Locations:
Tusked Pauldrons
Added: 2024-06-18 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
Layer upon layer of trials surpassed
Name: Tusked Pauldrons
Id: tuskedPauldrons
Type: Torso
Set: Hellfest Fiend Set
Obtainable Locations: