Iron Reaver Set7
Firm Will Top
Added: 2024-04-30 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item firmWillTop for general information in codex.

Strike viciously, and watch them cover

Name: Firm Will Top

Id: firmWillTop

Type: Torso

Set: Iron Reaver Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Hardened Wraps
Added: 2024-05-05 - Last updated: 2024-06-22IconImage of item hardenedWraps for general information in codex.

Rough bracers that hold fast in any storm

Name: Hardened Wraps

Id: hardenedWraps

Type: Forearm

Set: Iron Reaver Set

Cost:Silver Icon800 Silver

Reaver's Adornment
Added: 2024-04-28 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item reaversAdornment for general information in codex.

All roads converge towards a path of violence

Name: Reaver's Adornment

Id: reaversAdornment

Type: Neck

Set: Iron Reaver Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Reaver's Earrings
Added: 2024-04-15 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item reaversEarrings for general information in codex.

As clean and polished as a pirate's heart is rotten

Name: Reaver's Earrings

Id: reaversEarrings

Type: Face Accessory

Set: Iron Reaver Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Reaver's Footwear
Added: 2024-05-06 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item reaversFootwear for general information in codex.

Sure in a storm, and fleet in a fight

Name: Reaver's Footwear

Id: reaversFootwear

Type: Footwear

Set: Iron Reaver Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Torn Hide Leggings
Added: 2024-05-07 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item tornHideLeggings for general information in codex.

Marked by stains older than its wearer

Name: Torn Hide Leggings

Id: tornHideLeggings

Type: Bottom

Set: Iron Reaver Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Tough Knots Belt
Added: 2024-05-04 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item toughKnotsBelt for general information in codex.

Gird your loins and set a course

Name: Tough Knots Belt

Id: toughKnotsBelt

Type: Waist

Set: Iron Reaver Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier