Icon of the phantomHalo set.Phantom Halo Set4
Angel of Death
Added: 2025-02-11 - Last updated: 2025-02-11IconImage of item angelOfDeath for general information in codex.

It comes on the wings of an overcast dawn

Name: Angel of Death

Id: angelOfDeath

Type: Sails Color

Set: Phantom Halo Set

Chalk & Coal
Added: 2025-02-11 - Last updated: 2025-02-11IconImage of item chalkAndCoal for general information in codex.

"Eh, we ran out of paint for the upper decks."

Name: Chalk & Coal

Id: chalkAndCoal

Type: Hull

Set: Phantom Halo Set

Nine Daughters
Added: 2025-02-11 - Last updated: 2025-02-11IconImage of item nineDaughters for general information in codex.

Your ancestors give you strength

Name: Nine Daughters

Id: nineDaughters

Type: Sails Pattern

Set: Phantom Halo Set

Phantom Halo
Added: 2025-02-11 - Last updated: 2025-02-11IconImage of item phantomHalo for general information in codex.

Who does that halo belong to?

Name: Phantom Halo

Id: phantomHalo

Type: Sails Emblem

Set: Phantom Halo Set