Saber Rattler Set7
Battle-worn Jacket
Added: 2024-04-30 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item battleWornJacket for general information in codex.

Be careful you don't walk around Sainte-Anne in this

Name: Battle-worn Jacket

Id: battleWornJacket

Type: Torso

Set: Saber Rattler Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Duelist's Handwraps
Added: 2024-05-05 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item duelistsHandwraps for general information in codex.

A hand accessory for dubious dealers, worn on the left hand

Name: Duelist's Handwraps

Id: duelistsHandwraps

Type: Forearm

Set: Saber Rattler Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Heavy Jackboots
Added: 2024-05-06 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item heavyJackboots for general information in codex.

Hard soles for hardened souls

Name: Heavy Jackboots

Id: heavyJackboots

Type: Footwear

Set: Saber Rattler Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Patchy Bottoms
Added: 2024-05-07 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item patchyBottoms for general information in codex.

Camouflages well against the dirt and grime

Name: Patchy Bottoms

Id: patchyBottoms

Type: Bottom

Set: Saber Rattler Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Prized Bicorne
Added: 2024-04-14 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item prizedBicorne for general information in codex.

May it frills tickle your fance

Name: Prized Bicorne

Id: prizedBicorne

Type: Headwear

Set: Saber Rattler Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Thick Soldier's Sash
Added: 2024-05-04 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item thickSoldiersSash for general information in codex.

Quality like this is hard to come by, but there are ways...

Name: Thick Soldier's Sash

Id: thickSoldiersSash

Type: Waist

Set: Saber Rattler Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier

Trusty Necker
Added: 2024-04-28 - Last updated: 2024-05-08IconImage of item trustyNecker for general information in codex.

Made dull by years of salt, sweat, and who knows what else

Name: Trusty Necker

Id: trustyNecker

Type: Neck

Set: Saber Rattler Set

Obtainable Locations:

Vanity Atelier