Hi pirates,
exactly one year ago was the release of the 1.0 update to Skull and Bones Tools and a lot has happened since then and I want to take this opportunity to reflect a bit on its development.
When the 1.0 was released, there was just the Calculator and the Loadout Designer with the Codex following closely afterwards and to be honest back then I thought that would be all. Of course there were wild ideas for other features, but would they be needed by the community and could I develop them in a manageable time frame were always questions I asked myself.
However with rising popularity of the site and great ideas from the community I decided to invest more time in the project with the goal to deliver a suite of tools that can support each pirate in most situations they encounter. This resulted in multiple major additions and releases over the next 8 months:
- Starting after the Season 1 (Y1S1 - Raging Tides) Support
- Season 2 (Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc) Support
- Spanish Translation
- Collection Management
- General & Player Statistics
- Season 3 (Y1S3 - Into the Dragon's Wake) Support
- Loadout Hub
- Mobile Loadout Designer
- French Translation
- Season 4 (Y1S4 - Shadows of the Deep) Support
- Wardrobe
- Compendium
Along this got the weekly release schedule introduced with the Patchnotes hosting, at the time of writing, 51 releases.
With the recent release of the Compendium and the continues optimizations of older tools I think the site is well prepared for Year 2 of Skull and Bones. Meaning continues weekly releases, major updates and other additions to support pirates on Skull and Bones's seas.
Thank you
In this last section, of this already unusually long news post, I do want to thank everyone who contributed to Skull and Bones Tools, be it via doing the translations on Crowdin, providing assets like graphics or visuals, reporting changed informations and much more. As this is still a one man project at its core I'm grateful to see all the support the site has been given so far and continues to receive to make it the best it can be for our Skull and Bones community!
Thank you for taking the time to read this post this far pirate, may the winds on the seas be in your favor š“āā ļø
Best Regards,
This update marks the official release of the Compendium, a place in the Codex where you can find guides and entries for the different events, world events and other things that occur in the game world of Skull and Bones. Featuring detailed loot tables, analyses of attacks, lore informations and much more in its entries!
As the world of SnB has grown over time so does the Compendium getting new entries over the next weekly releases.
However there are already some entries, like the Enter the Nian Guide for the still running event or maybe want to fight Bertrand Hubac again then it got you covered with the Verse of Remorse Guide.
The Compendium is not designed to only be filled by me, so if you got an idea for an entry or guide and want to publish it there, just check out the Contribute section in any of the entries!
Alongside this release, have been a lot of smaller improvements under the hood, like updated images for many items and other optimizations.
This update features a pack of changes and new features starting with the highly requested option to edit your own loadouts after posting them. This will make it easier to correct misspells, update it to the latest SnB season or share improvements to it without the need to fully post it again.
Along that do you now also have the option to change your nickname under your Profile!
Additionally feature the general Statistics a new graph which shows the ratio of premium cosmetics to ones which are obtainable for free, including when they got added and their total amount.
The Codex also received an advanced filter to its categories to optimize your search even more! This filter is just a starting point and gets expanded on demand ;)
That's all for this release, let me know what you think of it on discord and see you on the high sea Captain!
Best Regards,
This update adds the new Wardrobe tool allowing you to design a savvy outfit for your pirate, save and manage different outfits and to share them with other pirates on the seas!
This tool supports both mobile and desktop users and works with all cosmetics of the game.
If you still find a bug please report it on the SnB Tools discord ;)
Along that does the homepage on mobile now feature the latest SnB Tweet and several tools received small improvements and bug fixes to further improve your experience.
More optimizations have been and will continue to come with the next weekly patches, so be sure to check them out!
This update adds support for Season 4 (Y1S4) of Skull and Bones including the addition of over 30 new items, 180 cosmetics and support for the Garuda, the new ship of this season.
You can find all new Season 4 items and cosmetics here: https://skullandbonestools.de/codex/groupedCategory/season/shadowsOfTheDeep
And an overview of all Garuda upgrades can be found in the Calculator or here: https://skullandbonestools.de/codex/category/shipUpgrade
Additionally received the Codex support for Cosmetic Upgrades by showing you now in the overview directly if an cosmetic can be upgraded and what that upgraded version is. Most upgraded cosmetics also have their required materials listed.
With this release are all new items and cosmetics of Season 4 fully supported by all tools! This was possible thanks to the PTS previously available.
For more detailed informations be sure to checkout the patchnote: https://skullandbonestools.de/patchnotes#2024-11-18
This update adds statistics for both the mobile and desktop version of loadouts! Allowing you to see the main stats of an loadout like DPS or Armor & Health directly upon opening a loadout.
Of course if you want to get more details there is also the detailed breakdown of stats for each gun port.
Additionally is it now possible to login into SnB Tools via Twitch to post loadouts or track your personal collection!
This update introduces SnB Tools in French with support for all applications. Many thanks to Shiiv and all other translators who worked on this!
Please note that the news and patchnotes will remain in English.
Additionally received the Loadout Hub some smaller updates including the Repair damage type and the option to sort the loadouts by newest or votes.
This update adds support for the latest Y1S3.2 patch including the raw materials for sinew string which is now craftable.
Additionally received the Loadout Hub support for the Poison damage type so you can post loadouts with it and also filter on it.
I'm happy to announce the newest release for SnB Tools: the Loadout Hub!
This new part is a platform to easily share your builds with the community, but also a place to look for and explore new builds by other players.
For this it got a filter and search, bookmark and voting system in place to assist in your search.
To make room for this platform has the loadout designer moved and is now accessible via a button on the platform, but fear not all functions are still there and existing loadout URLs will still work!
On that note did the Loadout Designer also receive a dedicated mobile version which will automatically be opened when you're on a mobile device which should be a huge upgrade in terms of comfort and ease of use!
I hope you will enjoy those new features as a lot of time went into them and if you encounter anything off please let me know via discord!
Best Regards,
This update adds support for the latest Y1S3.1 patch including the updated Provoke perk of the Battle Junk, a lot of new cosmetics and other minor changes and updates.
Additionally got the Calculator updated to allow for a more granular control if raw materials should be shown for each refinement stage.
This update adds support for Season 3 (Y1S3) of Skull and Bones including the addition of over 50 new items, 140 cosmetics and support for the Battle Junk, the new ship of this season. Along that got most ship perks updated and existing data updated according to the patch notes.
Additionally received the Loadout Designer support for electric weapons and the Calculator support for combined materials which got added with this season and are required to craft new items.
This means that all new items and cosmetics of Season 3 are with this release fully supported by all tools! This was possible thanks to the PTS previously available.
This update adds support for the latest Y1S2.2 patch including updated stats for all long guns and selected culverin weapons, updated perks for the Black Prince armor & Compagnie Spirits Locker furniture and the addition of the Little Grace III springloader weapon.
Additionally got several cosmetic sets added and updated like the Dark Swashbuckler one which is now obtainable and got updated with the PO8 prices required to buy them. For a full list be sure to check out the patch notes ;)
This update adds the option to manage your collection by signing up for an account and adding ships, cosmetics and sets to it in the Codex. This new feature goes hand in hand with the new statistics page which shows the evolution of Skull and Bones overtime, based on the items, cosmetics and ships added which detailed listings of each season and visual representations.
It also hosts several pages dedicated to your personal collection like which cosmetics you have, which one are missing, how complete your collection is and much more!
Additionally did the set overview and general item/cosmetic pages receive an indicator which shows if an item is currently not obtainable due to a bug. Clicking on the indicator will also open an overview of all currently bugged cosmetics which can also be found linked in the patchnotes.
This update adds support for the latest Y1S2.1 patch including, among other changes, the updated perks of ship upgrades for smaller ships. Along this got the data of many items and cosmetics in the Codex updated.
The exact details can be found in the SnB Tools patchnotes.
Additionally got the search feature in the Codex expanded with the option to list all items & cosmetics directly by a selected property.
For example with the group Event and the property Dragon's Regatta selected will all items & cosmetics of the Dragon's Regatta event be shown.
This update adds all, over 600, player cosmetics to the Codex including the following sections: All Player Sets, Headwears, Face Accessories, Neck, Torso, Forearm, Hand, Waist, Bottom, Footwear, Body Cosmetics, Emotes, Hair & Facial Hair.
Along this got the general informations card for each item and cosmetic updated so that most properties are now linked to their overview page. This newly added overview page lists all items with that property and the same value like your current item. From there a dedicated page listing all values for a property like all world events can also be opened.
Additionally, for the first time, is SnB Tools now available in a new language featuring the first version of the Spanish translation. Many thanks to Supereloy77 and his colleagues for there work on the translation!
This update adds ingame images of most cosmetics into the Codex featuring a day and night version of them with a direct and interactive comparison of both versions. Currently supported categories for this feature are: Figure Heads, Ornaments, Nameplates, Wheels, Helm Decors, Crew Look and Trophies.
With each weekly update more images will be added and the day/night comparison rolled out to more cosmetics.
Additionally were several optimizations made for a better user experience and the data of some items, as well as cosmetics got updated.
This update adds the option to the Loadout Designer to select cosmetics for your loadout, to save and to share them as part of your newly created or updated loadout. For this got a new mode added the slot selection and the item browser enhanced to handle the new slot types.
Additionally can cosmetics in the Codex categories and sets now be sorted by their name or date added (to the SnB Tools database). The overview page for all sets also features the option to sort by the amount of cosmetics in a set.
This update marks the release of the Codex, a fast and mobile friendly way to directly search for and to get an overview of items and cosmetics ingame. A special focus was put on the optimization for all device types like phones (iOS & Android) and of course PCs. The existing codex pages for item details also got reworked to be in line with the new codex.
When sharing an item or cosmetic via Discord the corresponding name and description will now additionally be shown in the chat.
As part of the rework for mobile devices got the home-, partner-, donation- and infopage also reworked for a better user experience.
Additionally received the loadout designer several smaller updates including a new button to directly share a loadout without having to save it first in the harbor.
With this update got the gear score of various items updated according to patch Y1S1.3.
Additionally got the bow (front) gun ports size for the barque corrected from 2 to 4.
With this update are iOS and OSX devices now officially supported. Meaning that the site should now be displayed correctly and several functional issues got fixed.
The overall usage for mobile devices got optimized by allowing the item comparison in the loadout designer also on mobile devices and adding the option to remove an item from a slot with a button instead of having to do a double click.
On tablets with OSX the site may not get displayed correctly for now, this can be fixed by scaling the site down on the device.
If you encounter display issues with your preferred device please get in touch me with on the Skull and Bones Tools discord, so a possible optimization can be validated.
Additionally got the image for the Ouroboros armor added.
This update adds a item comparison directly into the item browser of the loadout designer which automatically opens when you hover over an item. It shows the most important stats in a direct comparison and highlights better or worse stats.
The comparison is always with the item currently set in the slot you have selected.
Additionally is now the ship perk directly shown in the ship selection.
With this update got all Season 1 items added: La Potence Schematics, Carronade, Le Fleau, Wailing Ward, Wrathful Ward.
The Barque, the new support ship, will get added at a later point once the gun port setup is confirmed.
Additionally got missing images added and the armed damage for torpedoes listed in the loadout stats.
Update 1.1.0 brings full perk support (ship, furniture and item perks) to the calculator and loadout designer by showing you directly the different perks and considering them now in the different calculations. Along this got the UI of the loadout designer partly revamped to optimize its usability by giving the item & loadout stats more space, compacting the size of the slot selector and showing the name of the item set in a slot. Additionally got the calculations for sea fires and ballistas checked and corrected.
The damage per second and per shot values considering perks are now listed as separate values in the calculator and loadout designer. For torpedoes got also the values when armed added.
Additionally got the codex added which can be opened via a new indicator at each item showing you all the item details like general informations, stats, perks and required materials on a dedicated page.
This update features the new function for the loadout designer to reset your current loadout when you're not happy with it or just want to start over.
Along this were several changes made to the item details in the calculator to now include the damage mitigations for armors and other stats depending on the weapon type. The UI got also improved to handle longer item names and some smaller changes were made for a better usability.
Additionally got a the royal custodian armor added and some required materials for items updated. Most armors also received their image with the missing images coming soon.
This update, which marks the 1.0 release of this site, features all items including their stats, materials and informations of the live game version! The details of items now also include additional stats like the fire interval, projectile speed and projectiles per shot.
On a side note: The support for all the available perks didn't make it into this build, but will come in the next days both for the calculator item details and for the calculations in the loadout designer.
If you notice wrong stats, you're missing a information or just have feedback then please report it on the Skull and Bones Tools discord for direct support. There you will also find a list of proposed feature requests, known issues and the roadmap for the next months.
Along this update got also the new partner page released were you can find official partners and supporters of Skull and Bones Tools.
I'm happy to announce that the next major update will hit the live version on the 12th February! Changing the website completely by using the live and released data of the game instead of the currently used closed beta data. This means that all items you see will be exactly like in the game and you can start planning your empire on real data!
On a side note: Already created loadouts will still work, but will probably need to be updated to account for the changes in the data.
Along this update will several smaller features be introduced like the option to see gun ports directly in the slot selection or to remove items directly from the itemlist in the calculator. Also will several bugs be fixed and technical optimizations be done to improve the user experience even further.
Best Regards,
This massive update introduces the option to save, load, share and manage all your different loadouts directly in the loadout designer in a new section called 'Loadout Harbor'.
There you get a clear overview of each of your loadouts and have the different options to manage your loadout.
But that's not all! Along this new harbor comes the option to share your favorite loadouts directly as a code, which others players can then import as a new loadout. Or you choose to get a link that others players can open to directly see your loadout and its stats without the need to do anything on their own!
With this update got a new button added in the slot selector that allows you to export the items of your current loadout to the calculator. So you know directly which materials you will need for this loadout.
When transferring your loadout and you have already items in the calculator selected you will get the option via a dialog to decide if you want to add your loadout items or overwrite with them the current selection of items in the calculator.
With this update got item rarity and tier indicators added to the slot selector. The rarity indication can be enabled/disabled by the user. An indicator in the item browser got also added indicating if you have this item in your itemlist/shoppinglist in the calculator and how often.
Additionally has the user now the option to open the loadout stats in a separate window so it could be positioned on a second monitor to have more place for the loadout design.
With this update got the description of most items added and is now visible in the item details (which open when you click on a item in the calculator).
Additionally grouping of items got added, so the same item with its different tiers is now displayed in the same row. It's now also possible to collapse single subcategories.
With this update gets the user the option to adjust the height of the individual parts in the Loadout Designer.
Along this update got some minor bugs fixed, the scaling for different device sizes optimized and several UI elements reworked for a better usability.
With this update moves the Loadout Designer into the public release and is available for testing based on data of the first Closed Beta.
It features already most needed functions to design your own loadout now. Except that perks are currently not considered in the damage calculations. Please post feedback and bugs found in the own discord channel for direct feedback and a overview of already known bugs.
With this update moves the Calculator into the public release and is available for testing based on data of the Closed Betas.
Because of the progression restrictions and the nature of a beta release do some items have no images, required materials or detailed stats. Please post your feedback or found bugs in the own discord channel for a more direct support.
This update features a new dialog for each item which includes the corresponding stats, required materials and other informations.
To dialog can be opened by clicking on the item image and be dragged around for free positioning.
This update features the option to save your material list as a text code and load a existing one with a code.
For this two new buttons got added to the bottom of the shopping list. A export button got also added in preparation for a later update.
This update features raw materials in the shoppinglist which get shown as a alternative for their material. A button got also added to show/hide them.
Additionally a new checkbox for every material got added so you can mark a material fully collected.
This update features rarity indication for items with a colored background directly in the item overview.
Additionally a new check got implemented if you try to add items with a craft limit you will now get a error message with the limit.