Added: 2024-12-03 - Last updated: 2024-12-03IconImage of item nashkar for general information in codex.

Unknowable runes are carved onto the barrel surface.

Best left unspoken.

Name: Nashkar

Id: nashkar

Type: Long Gun

Gear Score: 130

Rarity: Epic

Season: Y1S4 - Shadows of the Deep

Event: Azure Solstice

World Event: The Azure Royale

Basic Stats
Damage Stats
Projectiles per Shot1
Fire Interval (s)0.6
DPS (Damage per Second)401
DPS with Perks521.3
Damage per Shot3126
Damage per Shot with Perks4063.8
Reload Speed (s)7.2
Range (m)1000
Projectile Speed (m/s)350
Ghostly Mending

5% of damage dealt from this weapon restores Hull Health.

When a weakpoint is hit, the repair amount is multiplied by 700%.

Burning II
Adds 20% of damage as Burning Damage.
Piercing I

Adds 10% of damage as Piercing Damage.

Increases damage to weakpoints by 50%.

Image of material azuriteGem in codex for item nashkar.Azurite Gem600