Added: 2024-02-05 - Last updated: 2024-07-05IconImage of item otakOtak for general information in codex.

Consists of fish and spices wrapped in a leaf parcel and either grilled or steamed.

Name: Otak-Otak

Id: otakOtak

Type: Consumable

Rarity: Uncommon

Basic Stats
Damage Stats
No damage stats maintained.
Buff Duration30m

Restores Crew-to-Crew Damage by 15%.

Reduces Brace Stamina Consumption at the start of bracing by 20%.

Restores Stamina Regen by 50%.

Image of material screwpine in codex for item otakOtak.Screwpine3
Image of material fish in codex for item otakOtak.Fish2
Image of material sharkMeat in codex for item otakOtak.Shark Meat1