Added: 2024-08-22 - Last updated: 2024-08-22IconImage of item spitefulSpikesStation for general information in codex.

"I'll stuff some of these in your traps if yer' keep yappin'!"

Name: Spikes Station

Id: spitefulSpikesStation

Type: Major Furniture

Gear Score: 50

Rarity: Epic

Season: Y1S3 - Into the Dragon's Wake

Basic Stats
Damage Stats
No damage stats maintained.

Hitting a weakpoint has a 25% chance of reducing all Repair effects on the target by 75% for 15s, regardless of source.

Increases damage to weakpoints by Auxiliary Weapons by 10%.

Reduces Reload Time of Auxiliary Weapons by 7%.

Image of material sovereigns in codex for item spitefulSpikesStation.Sovereigns400