Icon of the musique set.Musique Set7
Death Forsworn
Added: 2024-06-02 - Last updated: 2024-06-11IconImage of item deathForsworn for general information in codex.

A figure blinded by his own conceit

Name: Death Forsworn

Id: deathForsworn

Type: Figure Head

Set: Musique Set

Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc

Effect: Emissive

Contract: Stolen Crescendo

Obtainable Locations:

Contract Reward

Impetuous Nature
Added: 2024-06-02 - Last updated: 2024-06-02IconImage of item impetuousNature for general information in codex.

What hides behind the polished veneer

Name: Impetuous Nature

Id: impetuousNature

Type: Sails Pattern

Set: Musique Set

Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc

Bounty: Verse of Remorse

World Event: Verse of Remorse

Added: 2024-06-02 - Last updated: 2024-07-13IconImage of item maestro for general information in codex.

Orchestrate chaos

Name: Maestro

Id: maestro

Type: Nameplate

Set: Musique Set

Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc

Bounty: Chorus of Havoc

World Event: Chorus of Havoc

Nobility's Pride
Added: 2024-06-02 - Last updated: 2024-06-02IconImage of item nobilitysPride for general information in codex.

Juxtaposed against savage tendencies

Name: Nobility's Pride

Id: nobilitysPride

Type: Hull

Set: Musique Set

Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc

Bounty: Verse of Remorse

World Event: Verse of Remorse

Ominous Overtures
Added: 2024-06-02 - Last updated: 2024-07-13IconImage of item ominousOvertures for general information in codex.

A final chorus plays, but for whom?

Name: Ominous Overtures

Id: ominousOvertures

Type: Ornaments

Set: Musique Set

Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc

Bounty: Chorus of Havoc

World Event: Chorus of Havoc

Rage Ichor
Added: 2024-06-02 - Last updated: 2024-06-02IconImage of item rageIchor for general information in codex.

For the blackest of hearts

Name: Rage Ichor

Id: rageIchor

Type: Sails Color

Set: Musique Set

Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc

Bounty: Verse of Remorse

World Event: Verse of Remorse

Ruthless Balladeer
Added: 2024-06-02 - Last updated: 2024-07-13IconImage of item ruthlessBalladeer for general information in codex.

Disdaining bloody battle, he picks enemies apart from afar

Name: Ruthless Balladeer

Id: ruthlessBalladeer

Type: Sails Emblem

Set: Musique Set

Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc

Bounty: Chorus of Havoc

World Event: Chorus of Havoc