Bourgeoisie Belt
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-10Icon
A studded diamond belt serves two purposes: to whip you to shape, and to look good doing it.
Name: Bourgeoisie Belt
Id: bourgeoisieBelt
Type: Waist
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
Bourgeoisie Bracer
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-09Icon
Sorry, but where did you buy that ship?
Name: Bourgeoisie Bracer
Id: bourgeoisieBracer
Type: Forearm
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
Bourgeoisie Footwear
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-10Icon
Step on others to get ahead.
Best advice I ever heard.
Name: Bourgeoisie Footwear
Id: bourgeoisieFootwear
Type: Footwear
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
Bourgeoisie Leggings
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-10Icon
Some say to get ahead in life, you merely need to please one right person.
That person is me.
Name: Bourgeoisie Leggings
Id: bourgeoisieLeggings
Type: Bottom
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
Bourgeoisie Neckwear
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-09Icon
Old money is still money, cretin.
Name: Bourgeoisie Neckwear
Id: bourgeoisieNeckwear
Type: Neck
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
Bourgeoisie Top
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-09Icon
You could sink one of my ships, but I'll just buy a new one.
Name: Bourgeoisie Top
Id: bourgeoisieTop
Type: Torso
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
Le Pouf
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-09Icon
The sheer hold of the pomade in the last shipment - c'est magnifique!
Name: Le Pouf
Id: lePouf
Type: Hair
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
Mark of Excess
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-09Icon
Does it look like I can't afford more of this dye? Smear it on me! More!
Name: Mark of Excess
Id: markOfExcess
Type: Body Cosmetics
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations:
The Freebooter
Added: 2024-06-09 - Last updated: 2024-06-18Icon
Hirsute and dignified, through storms, squalls, and skirmishes alike.
Name: The Freebooter
Id: theFreebooter
Type: Facial Hair
Set: Versailles Set
Season: Y1S2 - Chorus of Havoc
Obtainable Locations: