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Guide Template

A template to create an guide for the SnB Tools Compendium.


This guide acts as a starting point for creating your own guide and shows the different options that can be used when writing it.
Following below are general informations about the technical functions and how to utilize them. After that you can find a example structure that most guides follow.

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Github Flavored Markdown

The Compendium uses a markdown notation called Github Flavored Markdown (GFM) which extends the default Markdown format with additional functions and formats. You can find a great overview over here: GitHub Guide

SnB Tools Functions

To make the writing easy and enhance the user experience items, cosmetics, sets and more can be directly linked in the guide with the following formats.

Additionally can any text be colored with the 5 rarities of the game.

  • Rare: A rare chest
  • Epic link to a previous section: Github Flavored Markdown
  • Legendary and bold: Really Legendary Item

Example Structure


This section can contain Skull and Bones lore related to your topic, but also real life background informations.


This section explains how to approach the world event for example in multiple chapters starting with the location, its attacks and in the end the tips and recommend loadouts. It is common that the attacks and tips don't have a dedicated chapter, but follow after the location.


A small description of where it is located related to the nearest outpost for example.

Try to link some loadouts that could be helpful for your topic and explain shortly why you recommend those.

Possible Rewards

This section contains an info about the reward, in most cases the chest including an img, its description, possible items and cosmetics.

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This is a special chest.

Rouage IconRouage
Goudron de bois IconGoudron de bois
Camphor IconCamphor
Nutmeg IconNutmeg
Chest Info Image

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La volonté du roi IconLa volonté du roiEnsemble de Cosmétiques de la CMN IconEnsemble de Cosmétiques de la CMN
La faveur du roi IconLa faveur du roiEnsemble de Cosmétiques de la CMN IconEnsemble de Cosmétiques de la CMN
Haut du soldat de la CMN IconHaut du soldat de la CMN
Manteau d'officier Jäger IconManteau d'officier Jäger
Exclusive drop.
Culotte bleue de la CMN IconCulotte bleue de la CMN
Jambières néerlandaises IconJambières néerlandaises
Équipage de soldats de la CMN IconÉquipage de soldats de la CMN


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Once you're happy with the draft or need some help you can contact herby2212 on discord via direct message for more informations and next steps.